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STOP ABUSE and TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE presents a holistic battering intervention program with the mission of helping men who abuse women. Beliefs are the core issue, and by transforming these beliefs spiritually, these men are able to move towards a peaceful change.  


The program contemplates reading the book, writing answers to questions at the end of each chapter, and discussing the responses and related issues in small groups.  

The TRANSFORM Battering Intervention Program Facilitator Manual is a guidebook for individuals facilitating small groups that use Stop Abuse and Transform Your Life curriculum.  Both books outline the basic principles of the TRANSFORM program. We also coincide our process for BIPP groups with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice accreditation guidelines.  Transform follows the facilitator’s role and responsibilities as required by TDCJ. 

 If you are interested in becoming a Transform instructor. Please consider becoming a certified TRANSFORM Facilitator.

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